That People's Sleep



To the EndTo the End - 2002

Jim Molina, Brian Tomczak and I really tried to write some tasty hits on this one, but the band split up before it got off the ground. We played a couple (mostly disappointing) live shows, but without a bass player we couldn't seem to pull it off as well as in the comfortable confines of the studio. Nevertheless, I felt pretty good about the songs here and definitely think I wrote some of my best & most interesting pop. I thought Jim really put a nice string part on "Boj" which took it to a higher level. "Hormesis", a song about breast cancer victims climbing Mt. McKinley, goes from lush to dissonant and then ends with a ridiculous unison solo. There's some really nice vibe & marimba work on "Asleep" and the ending sweeps in with power. "To Be" has a nice funky groove, and "Infrared" (a song about a plane crash) is a little tipping of the hat to the High Llamas. Some people have complained about a stylistic unevenness to the record, but think the variations on the experimental "Terraform" help to tie it all together.
- Sweigert

Breathe Myself to the End
Purchase at ZNR Records


En FiacreEn Fiacre - 1996

Mostly electronic music with chance composition "Nancarrow Island", ambient/world music "Vitamins & Intervals", and progressive intricacies. Lovers of my electronic music should be very pleased with this CD. Conceptually based on the Arthur Adamov's 1930s radio play, the over nine minute title track contains no repetition.
- Sweigert

Nancarrow Island
Vitamins and Intervals
Purchase at ZNR Records